Regional Meeting Round-Up!
In 2024, Nexstar Network is organizing an unprecedented 24 Regional Meetings taking place in member shops across the country. This year, we’re looking to reach as many of our members as possible and gather even more feedback about how Nexstar can best serve their legacy businesses.
First, what is a Regional Meeting, exactly? Well, imagine an organized group of current Nexstar members from within a set geographical area that gather to connect, learn, and share insights with one another. Completely free to attend, each is hosted by an area member who warmly opens the doors to their facility, and a Nexstar business or specialty coach moderates the event. To build more interest and engagement, attendees determine as a group which topics will be discussed at the meeting.
Nexstar’s Regional Meetings typically follow a set agenda:
- A free dinner is hosted by Nexstar the evening prior to the meeting. This dinner is open to registrants, select Strategic Partner sponsors, member(s) of our Board of Directors, and Nexstar team members.
- The Regional Meeting – held on the following day – includes:
- A welcome breakfast
- A tour of the host member’s location
- A tailored, coach-led learning and discussion session
- Time for connections
- Lunch
- Wrap-up
If you’re a Nexstar member and are interested in connecting with other Nexstar members in your area in a small-group setting, Regional Meetings are for you! You’ll be able to discuss your business with local members who understand and share some of the same challenges you face. These events are an integral part of Nexstar’s founding mantra: Growth Through Education and Sharing.
Please remember to register in advance, and we’ll be excited to see you soon!
Upcoming 2024 Regional Meeting dates and locations
If you’re a leader in the home services industry and are curious to learn more about Nexstar membership, please contact us today.