Insights Blog

Pipes leak. Toilets clog. Air-conditioners stop working in August; fuses blow unexpectedly; furnaces conk out in January. When a homeowner needs a home service completed, they usually aren’t going to try and fix it on…

Attracting, hiring, and retaining top talent is critical to a company’s success. As the tight labor market continues to affect businesses in our industry, it’s more important than ever that you offer a competitive compensation…

It’s important to set goals – that’s common knowledge. Goals help us reach for and achieve new growth in our lives and businesses. But when you set goals, do you (and your employees) know exactly…

Nexstar has a wide variety of resources to grow your business. We’re here to help you succeed! Read through the questions below – they’ll help get you started thinking about some areas of your business…

Purpose Create a great company culture by encouraging employees to set high expectations for themselves. Then, celebrate their growth and accomplishments! Consider This If we took a flea, placed it in a jar, and then…